
👨‍💼Mr.Mark☮️Top Tier Teacher☮️23 years experience👩‍🎓Master's in TESOL🗣ADULT CONVERSATION👨‍🏫TEENS

😁Specialized Adult Teaching😀
2467Clases de inglés completadas


chinoA1 Principiante
coreanoA1 Principiante
Learn English Your Way with a Dedicated, Patient Teacher! Are you an adult looking to improve your English? I’m here to help! Whether you’re focused on grammar, pronunciation, accent reduction, or just want to chat fluently about current events, I’ve got you covered. Here’s why my lessons stand out: ✨ Tailored to Your Style: • Prefer a traditional approach? I’ve got the latest version of Headway and other school-style books ready for you. • Love a modern twist? My exclusive "To the Point" lessons, crafted with AI, are designed to be engaging and effective—students rave about them! • Need something unique? I’ll create custom lessons just for you, based on your specific needs and goals. ✨ Flexible, Engaging Topics: Want to discuss current events or public interest stories? We can make that the focus. Or, dive deep into supplementary materials for grammar, writing, listening, and more. ✨ A Personal Touch: I take a genuine interest in my students’ success and promise patience and encouragement every step of the way. Plus, when you book a trial lesson, you’ll receive several free gifts to get started on the right foot! Let’s make learning English a fun and rewarding experience together. Book your trial lesson now—I can’t wait to meet you! 用专属于你的方式学习英语,与耐心的老师一起提升! 您是一位想要提高英语的成人学生吗?我在这里为您提供帮助!无论您是专注于语法、发音、口音减轻,还是想要流利地讨论时事,我都能满足您的需求。以下是我的课程与众不同的原因: ✨ 根据您的学习风格量身定制: • 喜欢传统的学习方法?我有最新版本的Headway以及其他学校风格的教材供您选择。 • 喜欢现代化的教学方式?我独家设计的“To the Point”课程结合了AI技术,内容有趣高效,深受学生喜爱! • 想要个性化的内容?我将根据您的具体需求和目标,为您定制专属课程。 ✨ 灵活有趣的学习主题: 想讨论时事或热门话题?我们可以将其作为学习重点。或者,深入学习语法、写作、听力等辅导材料,一切随您选择。 ✨ 贴心的个人关怀: 我真心关注每位学生的进步,并承诺在每一步都给予耐心和鼓励。 此外,预约试听课还可获得多份免费小礼物,助您顺利开启英语学习之旅! 让我们一起将英语学习变成有趣而充实的体验吧!现在就预约您的试听课,我迫不及待想认识您! 自分に合った方法で英語を学び、忍耐強い先生と一緒にスキルアップしましょう! 英語力を向上させたい大人の方をお探しですか?私が全力でサポートします!文法や発音、アクセントの改善に集中したい方も、時事問題について流暢に議論したい方も、すべて対応可能です。私のレッスンが特別な理由はこちらです: ✨ あなたの学習スタイルに合わせたカスタマイズ: • 伝統的なアプローチが好きですか?最新バージョンのHeadwayや他の学校スタイルの教材をご用意しています。 • 現代的なスタイルをお望みですか?AIを活用して作成した私のオリジナル「To the Point」レッスンは、楽しく効果的で、生徒からも大好評です! • オリジナルの内容が必要ですか?あなたの目標やニーズに応じた特別なレッスンを作成します。 ✨ 柔軟で魅力的なテーマ: 時事問題や話題のトピックについて話し合いたいですか?それを学習の中心にすることが可能です。また、文法やライティング、リスニングなどの補足教材を使って深く学ぶこともできます。 ✨ 親身なサポート: 私は生徒一人ひとりの成功を心から応援し、常に忍耐強く、励ましながらサポートします。 さらに、体験レッスンを予約すると、無料のプレゼントをいくつか差し上げます! 英語学習を楽しく充実した体験に変えましょう!今すぐ体験レッスンを予約して、あなたにお会いできるのを楽しみにしています! 나에게 맞는 방식으로 영어를 배우고, 인내심 있는 선생님과 함께 실력을 키우세요! 영어 실력을 향상시키고 싶은 성인 학습자를 찾고 계신가요? 제가 전적으로 도와드리겠습니다! 문법, 발음, 억양 교정을 집중적으로 배우고 싶거나 시사 문제에 대해 유창하게 이야기하고 싶다면, 어떤 필요든 충족시켜 드립니다. 제 수업이 특별한 이유는 다음과 같습니다: ✨ 개인의 학습 스타일에 맞춘 맞춤형 수업: • 전통적인 학습 방식을 선호하시나요? 최신 버전의 Headway 및 학교 스타일 교재를 준비했습니다. • 현대적인 방식을 좋아하시나요? AI를 활용해 제작한 저의 독창적인 "To the Point" 수업은 재미있고 효과적이며, 학생들로부터 큰 호응을 받고 있습니다! • 맞춤형 수업이 필요하신가요? 여러분의 목표와 필요에 맞춘 특별한 수업을 설계해 드립니다. ✨ 유연하고 흥미로운 학습 주제: 시사 문제나 인기 있는 주제를 논의하고 싶으신가요? 이를 수업의 중심으로 삼을 수 있습니다. 또한, 문법, 작문, 듣기 등의 보충 자료를 활용하여 깊이 있는 학습을 진행할 수 있습니다. ✨ 개인적인 관심과 지원: 저는 학생 개개인의 성공에 진심으로 관심을 가지고 있으며, 항상 인내심과 격려로 함께하겠습니다. 또한, 체험 수업을 예약하시면 무료 선물을 몇 가지 드립니다! 영어 학습을 즐겁고 보람 있는 경험으로 만들어 봅시다. 지금 체험 수업을 예약하시고, 곧 만나 뵙길 기대하겠습니다! 用你最適合的方式學習英語,與耐心的老師一起提升你的能力! 想提升英語水平的成人學生,你在找我嗎?我在這裡幫助你!無論你想專注於語法、發音、改善口音,還是希望能流利地討論時事,我都可以滿足你的需求。以下是我的課程與眾不同的原因: ✨ 按你的學習風格量身定制: • 喜歡傳統的學習方法嗎?我擁有最新版本的Headway以及其他學校風格的教材。 • 鍾愛現代化的教學方式?我獨家設計的「To the Point」課程由人工智能協助製作,內容有趣且高效,深受學生喜愛! • 需要個性化的內容?我可以根據你的目標和需求,為你設計專屬課程。 ✨ 靈活有趣的學習主題: 想討論時事或熱門話題嗎?我們可以將它作為學習的重點。或者深入學習補充教材,包括語法、寫作、聆聽等內容,一切由你選擇! ✨ 貼心和耐心的支援: 我真誠關注每位學生的學習進度,並保證在每一步都給予耐心和鼓勵。 此外,預約試堂還可獲得免費小禮物數份,助你順利開啟英語學習之旅! 讓我們一起把學習英語變成一個既有趣又充實的過程吧!現在就預約試堂,我期待與你見面! 😃TAKE ONE OF MY CERTIFICATE COURSES BELOW😉 😍👩‍🎓Renowned Full Course Books:📢 😎Headway for Adults🤠 Let's Go for Children or Wonderskills🤓Discover, Reach HIgher, or Next Move for Adolescents😋 🛑Short courses:📢 🏆Elevate by one CEFR level in 20 hours (Uses my own "To the Point English" series A1 through C2 series courses) 🏆Learn how to "Chit-Chat" in English in 20 hours 🏆Learn how to write properly in 20 hours 🏆English for Traveling Overseas in 20 hours 🏆English for Socializing and Dating in 20 hours 🏆Improve your vocabulary in 20 hours 🏆Learn all important grammar points in 20 hours 🏆Prepare for the IELTS in 20 hours (two areas) 🏆Personal Development and Counseling in 20 hours 🏆Improve your accent in a 20-hour intensive course 🏆Learn a subject in an intensive 20-hour course (science, history, geography, etc.) 😃TAKE ONE OF MY 10-HOUR CERTIFICATE COURSES BELOW😉 🏆English for Job Interview - 10 hours 🏆English for High School Acceptance - 10 hours 😃TAKE ONE OF MY CHLDREN'S CERTIFICATE COURSES BELOW😉 🏆 "Family and Friends" series course books (Perfect for true beginners) 🏆 "Let's Go" series course books (More conversational than Family and Friends) 🏆 "Discover" series course books (Excellent for for older children) 🏆 "Reach Higher" series course books (Emphasizes critical thinking.) 🏆 "Reading Explorer" by National Geographic is a six-level series that prepares learners for academic success with highly visual content that features real people, places, and stories. 😃The bigger the package you buy, the bigger the discount😃: 🔥 10 classes ▶ 5% discount🔥 🔥 20 classes ▶ 10% discount🔥plus 1 free lesson 🔥 40 classes ▶ 15% discount🔥plus 2 free lessons 🔥 60 classes ▶ 15% discount🔥plus 3 free lessons 🔥 80 classes ▶ 15% discount🔥Plus 4 free lessons Free lessons are given after the completion of paid lessons. ━━━━━━━━ 🔥 See you soon! 🔥 --------------- 👉Teacher Mark Speaks American English 😎Visit my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWdUlpEs7d8K67RZZhOYrQg 🏆 Has two Master's Degrees. Master's in TESOL Northwestern State University, Louisiana, USA. 2017 and California State University, Northridge, 1994, plus the Cambridge CELTA Certificate. 🏆 23 years' experience teaching English in America, Korea, Dubai, Oman and Malaysia to students of all ages. 🏆 Taught at 5 universities. 🏦 🏆 Published several books on English as well as the 60,000-word book entitled Nauscentrism - Answers to the Mystery Questions of Life. 🏆 Children expert 🙋‍♂ Conversational master 🗣Proficient IELTS Instructor 🔖 Business English Coach 💼 . 🏆 Can discuss and teach academic subjects such as history, geography, mathematics, and science 🏆 Curriculum developer 🏆 Certified TESOL and CELTA trainer 🏆 Test expert and mentor - IELTS, TOFL, TOEIC, ACT, BEC, SAT, GRE, PET, KET, FCE. Taught at Score Plus Test Preparation Center in Dubai. 🏆 Grammar, pronunciation and body language expert. 🏆 Effective, goal-oriented classes to help you reach your goals day by day! 🏆📈Conversation, IELTS, and writing expert personalizes your course plan to start out right! 🏆🚩 All students achieve desired results after studying with me. Join right now! 😏I teach: 🎉Beginner 🎉Conversation 🎉Grammar 🎉Children (6-11) 🎉Adults 🎉Oral 🎉Middle school (ages 12-14) 🎉Business 🎉IELTS 🎉American English 1😮⭐️ FLUENCY/CONVERSATION PRACTICE ⭐️😮 😃 Increase confidence and fluency 😃 Improve your pronunciation with an American accent 😃 Learn to speak and sound like a Native English Speaker 😃 Instant feedback and corrections 😃 Talk about a variety of different subjects 😃 300+ topics covering all four aspects of language learning 😃 Public speaking mentoring and coaching. 😃 Topic-based free talk to speak spontaneously! 😃 Culture, Travel, Work, Life, and any other topics that interest you! 😃 Pronunciation Drills to clear up your confusions 😃 Suffer in every small talk? Come in the classroom and make yourself at home! 😃 In just 10 lessons, you'll already start speaking with more confidence. You'll improve your fluency, increase your vocabulary, and be closer to speaking like a native! 😃 With my Standard American English and 20 years of experience, you'll find the classes fun and relaxed. Learning with me will be as easy as pie. 😃 You'll be able to cultivate the habit of thinking in English, speaking with confidence and become a competitive & contributing member of any English-speaking society. 2⭐️ IELTS COURSE ⭐️ 💯 🏆 500+ Students achieving band 6.5 🏆 100+ Students achieving band 8 🏆 50+ Students achieving band 9💯 🔆🔆🔆🔆🔆 IELTS Writing Workshop 🔆🔆🔆🔆🔆 😃➡️FREE complete online IELTS video program made by me with purchase of $100 or more.💥 🔸 Submit your writing task the day before class. 🔸 Take advice to improve through trial and error! 🔸 Share your fellow students’ works to grow TWICE as fast! 🔸 Sort your own writing tool kits to become a more flexible, intelligent language user! 🔸 All students achieve their target within 3 months. 🔸Fee additional online course available with any package of 20 hours or more. 🔸Guaranteed increased average score by 2, within 10 classes 🔸Most recent IELTS questions 🔸Free course material and books 🔸Updated materials from renowned global institutions 🔸Boost speaking, writing, reading and listening 🔸Essay correcting, guidance and feedback 🔸Grammar, vocabulary, idioms and pronunciation are all covered 🔸Learn about what the examiner is looking for in speaking tests 🔸Test pressure mentoring and testing time managing coaching. 3⭐️PTE Preparation⭐️ ➡️ Full PTE Preparation using world class materials.💥 ➡️ Official Pearson Materials.💥 ➡️ Fully Interactive Presentation.💥 4⭐️ BUSINESS ENGLISH ⭐️ 👍Have taught Business English at three universities. 👨‍💼 English for work and business 👨‍💼 Cross-Cultural expertise and mentoring. 👨‍💼 Team building mentoring and coaching 👨‍💼 Presentation feedback and training 👨‍💼 Build vocabulary and business expressions 👨‍💼 Improve email and letter writing 👨‍💼 Negotiation and selling skills 👨‍💼 Listen, speak and interact with confidence 👨‍💼 Run meetings more effectively 👨‍💼 Management English 👨‍💼 HR English 👨‍💼 Negation English 👨‍💼 Interdepartmental Communication. 👨‍💼 Meetings and Presentations 👨‍💼 Phone Conversations 👨‍💼 Business Letters and Reports 👨‍💼 Networking and Reports 👨‍💼 Business Jargon and Terminology 👨‍💼 Resume and Interview Skills 👨‍💼 Sales and Marketing. 5⭐️Kids Classes⭐️ 🛝 Learn English while having FUN 🛝 Lots of speaking practice 🛝 Adopt the American accent 🛝 Learn vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation 🛝 KET & PET English exams 🛝 Slow and steady pace 🛝 Games and activities 🛝Interactive, modern-class materials 🛝 FREE course materials and software 6⭐️Writing⭐️ ✏️The English writing course helps students develop their skills ⭐️ 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁 📚 Come join My Trial Class! 📚 What to expect in this 25-min trial❓ 👉 Interactive and qualitative materials selected for classes. 👉 Level assessment and immediate feedback. 👉 Initial recommended course, frequency and content, tailored and customized based on student's requirements and target for English learning. 👉 Plot your learning journey with me! 👉 A detailed analysis of your current level 👉 A problem-solving mini- son 👉 Valuable learning methods to stop wasting time! ❗️Classroom Rules ❕ ↘️ Bring your pen and a notebook to collect useful expressions in class. ↘️ Always check your connection and devices before class starts. ↘️ Must cancel the class at least 24 hours before the lesson. If you have to cancel a class less than 24 hours, be sure you notify me through What’s App/AT Chat. ↘️Cancellation less that 12 hours result in forfeiture of payment.
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Este profesor está en el Top 0% de Mejores Profesores
Profesor muy recomendado por los estudiantes en AmazingTalker
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303 reseñas

  • Juan Herrera juarez
    ม.ค. 5, 2024
    El profesor es muy amable y comprensivo , muy recomendado
  • Nana Kim
    ก.พ. 2, 2025
    My teacher was very enthusiastic about teaching, so it was fun to learn new vocabulary and to learn new things. I loved the class. Also, I became better at English and I was proud because I learned many new words.☺️📝🗓️👏
Ver las 303 reseñas

Rendimiento del Profesor


Experiencia laboral

  • 2018 hasta la fecha Global English Center


  • 2015 - 2017 Northwestern State University, Natchitoches, Louisiana, USA English

  • 1988 - 1996 California State University, Northridge Education




Experiencia laboral
  • 2018 hasta la fecha Global English Center
  • 2015 - 2017

    Northwestern State University, Natchitoches, Louisiana, USA


  • 1988 - 1996

    California State University, Northridge





Cómo reservar la clase

  • Después de comprar el curso (clases), puedes reservar tus clases en los espacios disponibles del profesor.
  • Si el profesor muestra “Clase Inmediata” significa que puedes tomar la clase en las próximas 24 horas
  • Si el profesor no está online, la clase disponible más temprana será después de 24 horas (es decir para mañana, no para hoy)


  • La clase de prueba dura 25 minutos
  • La clase formal dura 25 min o bien 50 min según escojas
  • Si compras +5 clases, tienes un descuento


  • Entra en la web AmazingTalker 10 minutos antes de que comience la clase. Haz click en “Mis Clases” y luego haz click en el botón “Entrar en la clase” y entrarás automáticamente en la Clase en ZOOM.
  • Puedes usar ZOOM tanto en tu teléfono móvil como en tu computadora. Por favor descarga ZOOM antes de la clase si vas a usar tu teléfono móvil.


  • Si tienes cualquier problema justo antes/durante de la clase, por favor haz click en “Reportar clase”, y el profesor te dirá si puedes cambiar la hora de la clase o devolverte el dinero en créditos de AT
  • Si el profesor no responde en 12h, se te devolverá automáticamente en créditos de AT.
Cómo reservar la clase
  • Después de comprar el curso (clases), puedes reservar tus clases en los espacios disponibles del profesor.
  • Si el profesor muestra “Clase Inmediata” significa que puedes tomar la clase en las próximas 24 horas
  • Si el profesor no está online, la clase disponible más temprana será después de 24 horas (es decir para mañana, no para hoy)
  • La clase de prueba dura 25 minutos
  • La clase formal dura 25 min o bien 50 min según escojas
  • Si compras +5 clases, tienes un descuento
  • Entra en la web AmazingTalker 10 minutos antes de que comience la clase. Haz click en “Mis Clases” y luego haz click en el botón “Entrar en la clase” y entrarás automáticamente en la Clase en ZOOM.
  • Puedes usar ZOOM tanto en tu teléfono móvil como en tu computadora. Por favor descarga ZOOM antes de la clase si vas a usar tu teléfono móvil.
  • Si tienes cualquier problema justo antes/durante de la clase, por favor haz click en “Reportar clase”, y el profesor te dirá si puedes cambiar la hora de la clase o devolverte el dinero en créditos de AT
  • Si el profesor no responde en 12h, se te devolverá automáticamente en créditos de AT.

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